This week’s paper is out now and it leads with a Cockfield family’s fundraising campaign for the hospital unit that saved their son’s life. Little Shane Nodding, who was only three when he was diagnosed with leukaemia, was given the all clear in December last year after receiving treatment at the Royal Victoria Infirmary.
Other headlines include:
Village asked to take over a vital rural shop.
Vicar appeals for a confession over a crash.
Barnard Castle’s Market Cross takes another knock from a passing lorry.
Bowes Show organisers fear they may lose cash if they don’t get receive many entries in the horse and pony classes.
Anger over advice for people to take a swim at Low Force.
An environmental health officer has withdrawn their objection against the awarding of a licence for a new cocktail bar in Barnard Castle.
Members of Stainton and Streatlam Village Hall announce a fundraising drive to expand their kitchen.
Woodland Parish Council hopes to move its boundary to include the whole of their village.
Scheme at Deerbolt is helping prisoners say ‘on yer bike’ to reoffending.
Coverage of Cotherstone and Barningham produce shows.
Plus what’s on, community news, farming, Remember When, and three pages of sport featuring cricket, football and more.