A NETWORK of lifesaving heart-start equipment has been installed in and around a Gaunless Valley village, thanks to an initiative by the parish council.
West Auckland Parish Council has unveiled three defibrillators, which they hope will help to “save at least one life” .
The machines have been placed at easily-accessible locations throughout the
village. The life saving equipment has been mounted in specially designed locked cabinets, which provide safe and visible storage. The defibrillators have been sited at the Memorial Community Centre in Darlington Road, outside the Workingmen’s Club, in Front Street, and at the Monteith Community Rooms. Councillors are looking to identify a suitable site at the top of the village to install a fourth. Cllr Colin Mairs, chairman of the parish council, said: “Initially we did place a defibrillator in Devonshire House as it was accessible 24 hours a day. However, we’ve invested in the proper exterior cabinets, so they are now all located within the special boxes and are easily available should they need to be used.”
The defibrillators have been registered with the North East Ambulance Service and when needed emergency services will be able to users to the closest one, providing the appropriate code to access them. Cllr Mairs added: “If they can help save one life it will be worth it.”