RESIDENTS in Gainford are to be given their say on draft proposals for a new housing development on the site of the former St Peter’s School.
Kebbell Homes is looking to submit a planning application to Durham County Council for the redevelopment of the site, at the entrance to the village. The proposals on the table would see the fire-damaged building converted into nine apartments and another 48 detached, semi-detached and terraced homes built on the surrounding land. Pre-application discussions have already been held with Durham County Council and now the developer is seeking the views of those living nearby.
A community consultation event is being held on Wednesday, March 28, at Gainford Village Hall. Representatives from Kebbell Homes, ELG Planning, P+HS Architects and the consultant team will be attending the event to talk about the proposals and answer questions from the public.
A leaflet by ELG Planning, which has been circulated throughout the village, reads: “The scheme is at an early stage and we would therefore welcome the input of the local community to help shape the proposals as they evolve.”
The derelict eyesore has been unused for the past 20 years and has been a target for anti-social behaviour in the village.
Kebbell Homes owns some of the site but Ruttle Plant Hire owns part of it too.
The two firms have been unable to come to an agreement on joint plans in the past with Kebbell objecting to previous proposals put forward by Ruttle.
However, Ruttle was given the green light in 2015 to convert the main section of the building into six apartments and demolish another section for ten homes. This came before one of the wings was deliberately set alight in March 2016 which meant that part of the building had to be demolished soon after.
Despite backing by county planners, the plans have not yet materialised.
The latest proposals aim to bring the whole site back into use. Access to the site will be directly from Main Road. In line with national guidelines, 20 per cent of the houses will be affordable. Technical reports addressing issues such as highways, flood risk, ecology, landscape and hydrology are also being prepared.
All are welcome to attend the consultation event which will run from 3pm until 7pm.
Gainford and Langton Parish Council chairwoman Cllr Lisa Johnstone said: “It would be nice to think that things are moving forward with the site.
“I will be attending the consultation event and I would encourage other people to attend. The more people that go the better.
“I hope that the beginning of the end is in sight.
“I would really hope that any development would address what the people of the village perceive to be their needs. It is no good putting something in the village that people don’t want.
“Hopefully that is what the consultation will find out.”
The draft proposals can be viewed online at www.
Those unable to attend the event can make their views known by emailing [email protected] or writing to ELG Planning, 55 Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL3 7EH.