AN exercise class for stroke survivors in Teesdale is now able to improve the mobility of more people thanks to a kind donation from a hospital support group.
The Friends of Richardson Hospital has purchased two MOTOmed exercise bikes for a group run by the Stroke Association in Barnard Castle.
The group, which meets every Tuesday at Teesdale Leisure Centre, took delivery of the new machines earlier this month. Stroke Association instructor Nicky Spencer said: “They are a fantastic benefit for this class because some of the bikes are very old that we have. Having the flexibility of two new bikes means that we have more people coming to the class.”
An average of 10 people attend the class each week. As well as doing 40 minutes of exercise, members get the chance to meet other people who have either had a stroke or a mini-stroke. Carers are also welcome to stay. Ms Spencer said: “They can do a variety of assisted exercises so that if they can’t do it, the machine will do it for them. It keeps all of their circulation moving. It is also good for someone’s morale to say they are going to an exercise class.”
The motorized movement therapy devices cost the Friends £9,760.
Honorary secretary and publicity officer for the Friends Iris Hillery said: “They needed more bikes. They had to share before but now they are able to have one group on bikes while the other group has refreshments.
“We have bought similar things for the hospital. It is nice to help here as it shows we are reaching out into the community. People are really enjoying coming to the class. Nicky is so enthusiastic.”
Margaret Thompson, from Middleton-in-Teesdale, suffered a stroke seven years ago and attends the group every week with her husband Alan.
Mr Thompson said: “It is not just the exercise. There is a social side too where people like my wife can go and meet other people who have gone through the same experience. This group is invaluable. I would fight heaven and hell for it. There are very few Tuesdays that we have missed.” For more information contact Ms Spencer on 01388 771524.