A GRADE-II listed bridge will have to close for repairs after a vehicle crashed into it at the weekend.
The historic Abbey Bridge, near Egglestone Abbey, has been smashed by a vehicle, the latest in a long line of incidents. The impact of the collision was so great it lifted one of the stone parapets and an attached section of wall on the Barnard Castle side of the bridge off their foundations. Coping stones to another section of wall have also been dislodged.
Brian Buckley, Durham County Council’s strategic highways manager, said: “We are aware of the damage caused to Abbey Bridge and are currently arranging the necessary repairs.
“Given the extent of the damage it will be necessary to close the bridge to carry out the repairs but we will ensure signposted diversions are in place and carry out the work as quickly as possible to minimise disruption.”
No date has been set for the repairs.
Barnard Castle HGV Action Group, which has been campaigning to introduce a permit scheme on lorries to protect historic structures from damage, says it will be meeting soon to discuss the situation and a way forward.