A KIND-hearted team of unemployed young people set themselves a bumper challenge to raise money for a dale animal charity.
The Prince’s Trust group, from Bishop Auckland, planned a week’s worth of tasks to develop their own skills while helping Wetheriggs Animal Rescue Centre, at Thorpe Farm.
Prince’s Trust team member Mark Amos said: “We were quite ambitious and set ourselves a target of raising £1,500.
“We know that charities have been struggling during the pandemic and we want to give something back.”
The money will help to cover the £1,750 weekly running costs of the centre.
The young people certainly didn’t make life easy for themselves, planning a series of challenges including rafting, bush craft survival, a man hunt, a sponsored walk and orienteering – all working to relevant restrictions and guidelines for those in education.
Local restrictions and a second national lockdown, meant they had to adapt to work around the changing restrictions.
Assistant team leader Liam Atkinson said: “”Raising this money for Wetheriggs is important as we have worked with the charity before and they have provided students with work experience. This is our chance to say thank you at a time when all charities are also feeling the impact of the pandemic.”