PLANS to reopen a play park have taken a step forward after £15,000 was set aside for the project with the hope of securing a further £70,000.
Gainford Activity Park, situated on land owned by nearby St Osmund’s Catholic Church, has been closed for a year following a safety inspection.
The parish council last week vowed the park will reopen after holding talks with the diocese over a new lease.
Parish councillors have agreed to provide £3,000 to cover legal fees and earmarked £12,000 from reserves for the redevelopment.
If needed, they have a further £10,000 to add to that from a parish kitty for recreation developments.
But they hope to pay for the bulk of the project by bidding for between £60,000 and £70,000 of Section 106 money which has been gifted by builders to offset the impact of their developments.
Gainford parish clerk Martin Clark said: “We can bid for the Section 106 money which is for the whole of Barnard Castle East division, of which Gainford is part.”
He said the money has been provided by developers of housing estates off Darlington Road, in Barnard Castle.
Parish councillors agreed to apply for the money as soon as the lease for the play area was drawn up.
They will also hold a public consultation to ask if Gainford residents would like to put forward other sites for play areas, perhaps for older children.
Early suggestions include skateboard ramps.