PLANS are in hand for Evenwood’s Randolph Community Centre to hit the ground running when it reopens to the public on May 17.
Along with its regular cafe and community group meetings, the centre is on course to introduce a wealth of new facilities not least of which is a new Dr Who Tardis-inspired facility for a kids’ book swap, which has been built by centre manager John Bogle and Esperley carpenter Bob Cooke.
Mr Bogle said: “We are putting coasters on the bottom and in the nice weather we will wheel it outside. We have already had book donations so it will be ready for our reopening.”
The cafe will follow the “rule of six” when it opens between 10am and 1pm from Monday to Thursday, while the Evenwood and District Society will also resume their weekly meetings.
The lunch club is also expected to return as will Evenwood and Ramshaw CA Association meetings.
Mr Bogle said: “We have a couple of other projects to do over the summer, like the play area at the back and the memorial garden on the side.”
Along with continuing maintenance and preparing new the facilities, the centre has continued to support the community through various activities such as organising litter picks.