A SMALL but dedicated group paid tribute to soldiers from Evenwood who gave up their lives during both world wars during a service at the village’s memorial on Friday, November 6.
The service was led by Pastor Sandy Gall, of Cornerstone Christian Centre, who said this year’s commemoration was particularly poignant because it marked the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
Wreaths were laid on behalf of Evenwood Parish Council, Evenwood Primary School, Ramshaw Primary School and the Randolph Community Centre by Cllr Barbara Nicholson, Cllr Mary Prince, Cllr Heather Smith and Eric Palmer.
Evenwood and District History Society currently has an exhibition of cards representing each of those from the village who died in the two world wars outside the village’s parish hall and community centre.
On Sunday about 20 people gathered at Evenwood Cemetery at 11am to stand silence for two minutes and to lay wreathes at the war memorial there, while St Paul’s Church was adorned with poppies.