CHILDREN at a thriving Barnard Castle toddler group will be able to enjoy plenty of new toys after receiving a donation.
Smuffies (St Mary’s Under Fives) has been given £500 from Teesdale and District Lions and the cash will go towards buying new play equipment. The group – for mums, dads, grandparents or carers with babies or toddles -provides a place for children to meet up and play – and adults to chat and have a cuppa. Smuffies has been given a new lease of life since lockdown. Kim Harding, one of the organisers, said: “We’ll buy lots of new toys as we have got lots of new members since lockdown.”
Ms Harding set up the group in 2000 when her children were younger and had been thinking of winding it down when her grandson started school. But she saw the importance of social interaction for families and children in the pandemic so made sure Smuffies continued, helping other people get involved in organising it.
“There’s a big need for children and adults. Children weren’t able to meet together and develop like they normally would. This group is more critical than ever before,” she said.
Under the restrictions, up to 30 adults can attend Smuffies, which meets on Tuesday afternoons at St Mary’s Parish Hall.
Lions president Sharon Walker, who takes her own grandchild to the group, said: “My daughter and son-in- law were both key workers in lockdown so I have seen how important this group is for social interaction.”
The donation came from a pot of £20,000 given to the Lions by Glaxo in Barnard Castle. The money would have been spent on the staff Christmas party which was cancelled due to lockdown. Much of it has now been distributed by the Lions.
Other recent donations include £500 to Barnard Castle Guides and Brownies, Barnard Castle Scouts and Cubs, Teesdale Visually Handicapped Club, Todys (Teesdale Opportunities for Disabled Youngsters, Special Olympics Teesdale (senior group of Todys) and The Friends of Richardson Hospital.