A PIECE of the 3rd Battalion Durham Light Infantry’s (DLI) history has been returned to its rightful place in Barnard Castle.
A plaque bearing the battalion’s badge has been installed at Bowes Lyons House care home -the site of the battalion’s former headquarters in the town. It had been held by the town’s DLI Club since the 1960s but a new home had to be found when the club closed its doors last month because it had become unviable. Former senior officer at the club, Malcolm Bonnett, said: “When the club closed I thought ‘yes, let’s take it back [to the old headquarters]’.”
The plaque was handed over to Bowes Lyons’ housing management worker Francesca Francis, who said it would take pride of place above the fireplace in the lounge where it can be appreciated by residents and visitors.
The former headquarters, along Wilson Street and Birch Road, was sold to the former Urban District Council by the War Office in 1930 and used for rehousing families from unsuitable accommodation elsewhere in the town. Most of the main buildings were demolished but the gateway and guardhouse still remain. Barnard Castle Rugby Club once served as a drill hall for the DLI.
Elsewhere, the closure of the DLI Museum by Durham County Council has left a wealth of the unit’s memorabilia in storage.
Mr Bonnett, who is a member of the Friends of the DLI group and served with the 6th Battalion DLI, said: “The council got shot of the museum without telling the Regiment Association. Hopefully we will find a new home.”