RECENT resurfacing work on the A688 through Staindrop has served to highlight the poor state of the roads across South Green, according to parish councillors.
In particular, members highlighted one route next to the former Laurels cafe as being a mish-mash of worn Tarmac and cobbles.
Cllr Ed Chicken said: “It is not cobbled; it is not Tarmacked. It looks a mess.
“The new surface shows up how bad the other is.
“Given it is in a conservation area, the proposal would be to cobble it,” he added.
He said the uneven surface led to puddles, which froze in the winter causing a danger to pedestrians.
“It is the place most people cross the road to go to the Spa and it needs rectifying.”
Cllr Roger Humphries added: “It would be nice to have it properly cobbled.”
Members agreed to write to Durham County Council’s highways department and ask officials if they could come up with proposals for improvements to all the roads across the village greens that could be discussed by the parish council.