AN annual charity “pink day” has raised more than £2,000 for cancer research.
Pam’s Pink Day has become a popular event in Barnard Castle. The town’s cricket club was crammed with charity supporters enjoying tombola, raffles, teas, cakes and stalls with art, jewellery, Christmas cards and much more.
Pam Ashmore, of the Teesdale branch of Cancer Research UK, said: “Thank you to everyone who supported Pam’s Pink Day – we raised a fantastic £2,270.
“Cancer Research UK Teesdale really appreciates the support from family and friends which enables us to raise this money which will be given to research in Newcastle to help beat cancer sooner.”
The Teesdale branch’s next major event is an afternoon tea at Glaxo Sports and Social Club, on Sunday, October 27, from 2pm.
Tickets cost £12 and are available from Hair Studio or Jennifer’s Takeaway.
Ms Ashmore said: “Our Christmas fair will be held in Saturday, November 30, in Cotherstone Village Hall, from 10am to 2pm and the cheque for money raised over the year will be handed to a representative from the Northern Institute of Cancer Research.”
Tickets for the afternoon tea and to book a stall at the christmas fair are available from Ms Ashmore on 01833 638652