SOME clever financial wizardry and great imagination has led to a primary school’s dream of having a small outdoor classroom for early years turn into the reality of a large multi-use facility.
Butterknowle Primary School not only has a new fence around the early years playground and a new outdoor classroom, but also wooden benches to match, thanks to a £7,000 grant from county councillor Heather Smith and former county councillor Andy Turner.
Headteacher Tessa Fenoughty said the original idea was to fence off the play area and put in a small classroom.
She added: “We used our money wisely and we got one that was bigger than expected.”
The new building was relocated to the main playground and has now become home to a year two “wild writing” club who are so inspired that they “don’t want to stop writing” .
It has the added benefit of offering sanctuary to children who struggle outdoors, such as one pupil who suffers badly from a pollen allergy, Mrs Fenoughty said.
The pupils can now enjoy play time with the other children without suffering from hay-fever.
The facility was turned into a dentist’s check-up room during the school’s recent sports day.
It was so popular with parents that the school plans another session in the near future.
Cllr Smith said: “It’s brilliant. It is a health space as well as an education space. I am so impressed. It is terrific.”
Children involved in the writing club gave a demonstration of their work to Cllr Smith when she visited the school on Thursday, July 5, to see the new facility.