Barney band in action
Barney band in action

On a rainy Sunday December night, more than 140 guests crammed into the GSK Sports and Social Club concert hall to join Teesdale Lions Club and Barnard Castle Band for their annual concert of festive music.

The band were in fine form, ably led by conductor Andrew Nicholson, (pictured right with the band) who quickly got the audience warmed up with his jokes, stories and facial expressions, as he drove the band through an eclectic selection of seasonal music and carols.

Towards the end of the first half, the audience was treated to the premiere of what is the future of Barnard Castle Band.

A group of 12 children in the fledgling “Junior Band” put their nerves aside and blew confidently, assisted by a few adults, to rapturous and genuine applause from the audience.

At the interval, guests were treated to seasonal refreshments, served by the Lions Club, and a second half programme lasting an hour, flew past with some old favourites and new pieces and interpretations.

The night was rounded off in traditional fashion with “The Barney March”, before Lions president Barbara Foster presented Andrew with a cheque to help band costs.

Teesdale Lions Club would also like to publically thank the GMB Union regional branch for their generosity in sponsoring this free event.

Guests, band and Lions alike agreed that this year’s show was probably the best ever Christmas concert in the 20 or so years that they have been running.