BARNARD Castle Town Council is “very close” to taking over responsibility for the grounds outside its Woodleigh headquarters on Scar Top.
The grounds are one of several areas which the town council is hoping will be transferred back to local control from Durham County Council.
Under the county’s “delivering differently” initiative, the town council has already taken over the Woodleigh building and Scar Top play area from the county council.
In addition to the Woodleigh grounds, the town council is hopeful the rest of Scar Top and the Demesnes will be transferred from the county council.
Updating members of the town’s services committee, clerk Michael King said: “It is starting to come together. Woodleigh grounds are now very close. When we get that sorted, then Scar Top will fall in quite quickly.” He conceded that the Demesnes was a “more complicated piece of land” but said progress was being made. In a report to councillors, he stated: “A first draft lease for the Demesnes has been reviewed and notes passed back to the council’s solicitor for discussion with Durham County Council.”
Mr King said key points under discussion centred on the inclusion of the Barnard Castle Dog Training Club and the exclusion of the rugby fields from the transfer, along with the line of the western boundary and street lighting.
Members noted the information.