A PRIMARY school toilet has become the 58th in Barnard Castle to sign up to a scheme which boosts facilities in the developing world.
Montalbo Primary School received its toilet-twinning certificate from local co-ordinator Ian Blake – although the money was actually raised by the Smuffies toddler group, based at St Mary’s Parish Hall.
Smuffies’ Kim Harding said instead of taking part in last year’s Children in Need, the group decided to sell cakes and raise money for the toilet twinning initiative.
Ms Harding said the group decided to gift the money to Montalbo Primary as some of the Smuffies children would go on to attend the school.
It is the first toilet-twinning certificate the school has received and Mr Blake said the Montalbo’s facilities would be linked with a community in Mozambique.
“This is a country which has seen civil unrest and people have been displaced,” he added.
Anyone who would like to know more about the toilet twinning initiative can email Mr Blake at barneystoilet [email protected].