PREPARATIONS are being made to welcome more people back inside Barnard Castle’s arts centre with the expected further easing of Covid-19 restrictions from today.
For the first time, The Witham will open throughout the weekend during the summer months as the centre will operate weekly from Wednesdays to Sundays from May 19.
The cafe, which has proved hugely popular since tables were set up in the rear garden, will expand.
As well as maintaining the outdoor service, tables will be set up in the centre’s gallery and cafe area so those wishing to sit indoors can do so.
A happy hour, from 4pm to 5pm on a Friday, has also been introduced.
Meanwhile, the first events since the latest lockdown have also been arranged.
Artist Simon Pell will unveil his latest work in the gallery, with an exhibition from May 19 to June 12 (see page 17 for more details), while comedian Gary Delaney will take to the stage for two sell-out shows on Friday, May 28.
The Manchester-based Aquarius Quartet is due to perform on Friday, June 4.
The shop will open daily from 10am to 3pm, under the watchful eye of volunteer manager Marilyn Normanton, while Jessica Sowersby has been promoted to cafe bar supervisor and Susanne Wallace continues in her role as operations manager for the centre.
Ms Sowersby, 20, from Barnard Castle, first took a Saturday job at The Witham four years ago while at St Xavier’s school, Richmond.
She said she was looking forward to her new role, which will include a host of new responsibilities to help run the cafe and bar.
Shelagh Avery, chairwoman of trustees, said the centre was also looking into whether Thursday night cinema screenings could be reintroduced after May 17.
“We might begin to see screenings on Thursdays and later in the summer we are planning children’s matinees,” she said.
Ms Avery said she had been delighted that The Witham’s team of dedicated volunteers had returned – and more would be needed in the coming weeks.
“We are looking for more help with the cafe and shop and later, volunteer stewards are needed to help with the summer programme in the garden in particular,” she said.
“It’s great that all the volunteers are back.
“The best thing about the past two or three weeks are the number of smiling faces of the volunteers and staff who are back and delivering what they are good at – excellent customer service.”
She added: “We have had tons of positive comments from customers, particularly about the use of the garden space and to have a safe outdoor space.
“It’s great to have people back in the building.”