LOOKING FOR IDEAS: Artist Anthony Clark, seated, presents the Making Memories Group with eight engravings which will be sold
LOOKING FOR IDEAS: Artist Anthony Clark, seated, presents the Making Memories Group with eight engravings which will be sold

A TEESDALE dementia group has been presented with eight unique engravings by a renowned artist.
Anthony Clark’s work is represented in public and private collections in Britain and abroad. He held two major exhibitions of his work at The Bowes Museum and has regularly exhibited at the Piers Feetham Gallery, in London, as well as the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibitions.
His work, which can fetch up to £3,500, has also been presented to a US president and to the late Cardinal Hume as civic gifts.
And now the classically trained artist, who attended and taught at Sunderland College of Art, has given assorted engravings to Barnard Castle Making Memories Group, which supports people living with dementia and their carers by providing activities at The Hub. Mr Clark made the donation to help bolster the group’s coffers and “ensure their future”.
Sally Davies, from the Making Memories Group, said: “We are trying to fill the gap left by the Alzheimer’s Society, which previously funded the activities we offer at The Hub on Monday afternoons.
“Through various lockdown fundraising events we have enough to support our activities for several months, but in the absence of Alzheimer’s Society funding we will need to keep working on this to ensure our future.
“Anthony’s gift is amazing. Now we have to work out how best to sell or auction them.
“What we are hoping for are bright ideas on what the best way to maximise such a generous gift as we don’t want to get it wrong.
“We need advice and ideas on what the best course of action should be whether we hold an auction or a charity exhibition.”
Mr Clark, who now lives in Whorlton, was prompted to make the generous donation after conversations with friend Allan Atkinson, who is a member of the group.
He said: “We got chatting about where we grew up and we meet up for a drink. Allan told me all about the group and asked if there was anything I could do and it went from there. At first, it was going to be three, then six and I finally decided on eight engravings.”
Money raised from the sale of the engravings will be used to fund the weekly Making Memories and Singing for the Brain sessions. Nicky Tulloch, from the group, said: “We’ve done remarkably well so far relying on donations, but this is an enormous gift and it will keep the group going hopefully a long time.”
Anyone with suggestions on how the group should proceed with the sale of the engravings, which depict ecclesiastical and landscape scenes, can contact Ms Davies on 01833 695692.