James and Laura Butler
James and Laura Butler

FRIENDS of a Barnard Castle couple affected by a devastating cancer battle have launched an online fundraising appeal to help them start a family.

James and Laura Butler (pictured right), from Barnard Castle, were married in December 2021. Just months after their wedding, James was diagnosed with sarcoidosis, a condition that causes the immune system to overreact and makes lumps in the lungs.

He said: “The treatment they were giving me wasn’t working. When I was supposed to be improving, I was getting worse and worse.”

After numerous biopsies – testing tissue from his face, lungs, back, lymph nodes and liver – doctors told James he had stage four T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a rare blood cancer that only affects about 700 people a year in the UK.

The 31-year-old added: “They told me because of the treatment if I survived, I would probably be sterile and if I wanted a family, I should think about freezing some of my sperm.

“I have always wanted to be a dad and after the sixth round of chemo the doctors said they were going to have to go to the next level which was more intensive and if I wanted to freeze my sperm that was the time.”

James underwent 16 rounds of chemo in total at the Freeman Hospital, in Newcastle, before undergoing a stem cell transplant last summer.

He said: “By the time we got through the chemo I was so poorly they didn’t want to give me the transplant as my chances of survival were only about 15 per cent. But without it they said I wouldn’t see Christmas.

“I did survive and I’m doing okay. I’m one-year post transplant. Back then I could never have imagined being here now. Doctors are happy with the way things are going.”

With his health vastly improved the couple wanted to look at starting a family. Due to the cancer treatment their only option is to use invitro fertilisation (IVF) – injecting some of James’ frozen sperm into Laura’s eggs.

After meeting doctors from the Centre of Life, in Newcastle, they were told they were not eligible for IVF treatment on the NHS.

IVF treatment is free on the NHS but trusts have different criteria to qualify. In the north east, three rounds of IVF, costing up to £5,000 a time, are offered to women up to 40. But as Mrs Butler is mum to 12-year-old Ethan from a previous relationship, they were not eligible.

James added: “I have been told some rubbish news – being told I’ve probably got 12 months to live – but I was more upset to hear that I may not be a dad.

“I was never expecting to have to pay for the IVF and it was a big blow. To hear that they were not going to help was devastating. We were a bit deflated after that and we were just trying to get our head around it as it is going to be a lot of money.”

Aware of the couple’s situation, friend Andrea Rymer set up an online GoFundme page in a bid to raise £5,500 for IVF, to help realise the couple’s dream.

Andrea said: “James had everything taken away from him with his cancer treatment and then stem cell transplant. The one thing he deserves is a chance at being a father with the woman he loves dearly.”

James added: “I have been very open about the cancer and the treatment I was getting because there is very little information out there.

“I’ve raised money for blood cancer charities but when it comes to us, I wouldn’t have asked anything for ourselves. We’re blown away by the response Andrea’s campaign has had.

“It’s almost £1,900 in just a week and a half.

“Thanks to Andrea and everyone who has donated we are £2,000 closer to our dream.”

Anyone who wishes to donate should visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-and-laurahelp-to-have-a-family.