A THREE-day flower show to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War is being held at St Mary’s Church, in Hutton Magna.
The flower show, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 28, 29 and 30, will have the theme of War and Peace and also coincides with the church’s 140th anniversary. All proceeds from the flower festival will go towards the upkeep of the church.
The village of Hutton Magna lost 12 members of its community in the conflict including three brothers and the son of the vicar. The village chose not to install a stone memorial and opted instead to spend the £800 they raised to build a lychgate at the entrance to the church.
The lychgate was built by Robert Thompson, of Kilburn, who later became known as the “mouseman” . However it does not feature one of his signatures – a mouse.
Carved inside are the words: “This lychgate is erected to commemorate the men of this parish who at the call of king and country left all that was dear to them, endured hardness, faced danger, and finally passed out of sight of men by the path of duty and self-sacrifice, giving up their own lives that others might live in freedom.”
Church warden Marion Lewis knows only too well the sacrifice Hutton Magna’s young men made as three of her father’s brothers lost their lives in the war. Mrs Lewis, who is also a member of the flower club, says they are expecting to have up to 16 floral displays for the festival. Local children are busy preparing pray mats for the event.
Mrs Lewis said: “We have our benefice service from 10.30am on Sunday and we tried to arrange the festival to coincide with this and hope it will be well attended.”
As well as a host of floral displays there will also be information on the history of the church including the original subscription list of donors. There is also a Roll of Honour detailing those commemorated on the lychgate. Refreshments will be available within the village hall. The flower festival will open with a preview on Friday, September 28 at 7pm. Tickets are £5 and include wine and nibbles.
Doors to the church open at 11.30am to 4pm on Saturday, September 29, and from noon to 5pm on Sunday, September 30, when admission will be £3 including a programme. For more information or to book tickets contact Mrs Lewis on 627281.