A LADIES a cappella choir is seeking new voices to add to its fledgling group.
Mickleton’s Barbara Wilson formed the Teesdale Ladies Choir (TLC) after moving to the village a year and a half ago. She noticed there was little provision for the singing form in Teesdale with the nearest choir of its type in Newcastle – so she decided to take matters into her own hands.
Mrs Wilson said: “There are lots of choirs in this area and some really good ones but I did not really fit into any of them.
“I have always had a love of singing but have generally struggled in choirs with instrumental accompaniment because I found myself overwhelmed by the sound of the piano pounding out the melody while I desperately tried to stay in tune with the harmony.
“It can often be difficult to find your natural pitch – much the same reason why everyone sings in the bathroom but very few of us raise our voice in church.”
The a cappella group practises on Tuesday evenings from Mrs Wilson’s home and covers Motown, soul and jazz as well as classic barbershopfare. CDs help singers find their pitch and five members have joined up already.
But the choir is short of those who can reach the higher registers.
“We need some tenors and higher sopranos. We can’t actually put a four part harmony together properly yet,” added Mrs Wilson.
“We are at a very embryonic stage and our founding group currently consists of Jill Smith and Sue Campbell singing a lovely lead, with Judi Sutherland and Melanie Stenson taking the baritone parts and myself covering bass.
“In six months’ time we will be fabulous.”
Mrs Wilson’s hope is to make the group open to all ages and abilities so ladies can enjoy the challenge of forming harmonies in a non-threatening environment.
“We’re a kitchen table choir,” she added.
“I want the choir to be something which helps build confidence and self esteem where ladies can come and enjoy a nice evening.
“It’s all about being on an equal footing with no raised eyebrows if someone doesn’t get it right – we don’t want divas.”
Mrs Wilson hails from Hull and grew fond of the a cappella sound when she lived in Chesterfield. She added: “I discovered a lovely group who sung close harmony in the barbershop style and I was hooked.
“Without the constraints of mechanical sound it was as though someone had taken the lid off the box and set my voice free.
“And the way we learned, from audio teaching tracks, meant I didn’t have to be an expert reader of sheet music.
“The audio learning made it so easy and I could listen to my CD anywhere – while I was doing jobs around the home, when I was driving and even when I was in bed.”
Once membership grows, the group will look at hiring halls and other premises for its practices.
TLC is also on the lookout for men or women who could offer musical direction and leadership to their choir.
Practices are held every Tuesday evening from 7.15pm to 8.45pm and audio learning tracks are provided.
Mrs Wilson added: “Whether you sing like a canary or growl like a bear there is a place for you in TLC.”
For more information, please contact, Mrs Wilson
on 07979 265279 or 01833 640833 or email on [email protected]