After the snow and ice kept her indoors, Kirsty Brien, a member of the outdoor team at the TCR Hub, heads to scur Beck and Pecknell Woods for an enjoyable three mile trek
Scur Beck and Pecknell Wood
1 Our walk starts at the car park at the confluence of Black Beck and the River Tees at the bottom of Flatts Wood.
Cross over the Tees on the footbridge, turning right at the far end and very shortly after, right again, passing through a kissing gate next to a gate with a white sign (BCAC Private Fishing).
2 The Teesdale Way follows a surfaced private road through a lovely open pasture (please keep dogs under control as there are often sheep grazing).
At the end of the field, cross over a cattle grid and a bridge (you will come back over these on your return). Follow the lane into the wood passing a house on the right.
3 Just as the lane begins to ascend, look out for a footpath sign guiding you onto a path on the right which climbs up to the height of the old railway line via a muddy path and finally a short set of stairs.
Just to your right is the enormous stanchion of the old railway viaduct and you are high above the river.
4 With the viaduct behind you, the Teesdale Way now takes you through a gate and heading towards a farm across the top of an often muddy field which slopes down toward the river.
At the corner of the field you pass through a further gate and turn right onto the track towards Towler Hill Farm.
5 Carry on following the Teesdale Way through a gate, and after 200m a path is signed off to the right – stay straight ahead (you should stay parallel to the old railway line over the field to your left).After 300m look to your left and you will see an archway under the old railway line– go under the arch (through two gates) towards Pecknell Farm.
6 Turn left at the farm and head towards another house – your path passes through the gate to the left of the buildings – and keep walking straight across the field until you reach another gate taking you back into the top of Pecknell Woods.
7 Just after the gate you have two options. You can either stay straight ahead on the main track, which will take you back to the cattle grid, or just after entering the woods turn right down a small path which takes you on a lovely route through the wooded gorge with Scur Beck running through the bottom.
Follow this to the bridge and cattle grid you passed near the start of the route.
8 Cross back over the bridge and cattle grid and retrace your steps back across the field to the footbridge over the Tees.
Stay local – if this walk is not local to you, please save it for when restrictions are lifted.
Give other walkers plenty of room at gates, narrow path sections, bridges etc.
Take a map as well as the walk notes and appropriate kit and food/ drink for the weather.
Walk length: 5km. Approximate walk time: one hours 15 mins.
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