Middleton-in-Teesdale Walkers Are Welcome
THE group began the Tees’pot annual walk by presenting the Tees’pot staff with a cake in the shape off a walking boot in thanks for all the help and support that the cafe’s staff have provided for walking groups and individuals during the last year. The walkers then set off on a 5.5 mile walk around the hills to the north east of Middleton-in-Teesdale.
Even the cloud and a chill easterly wind couldn’t hide the beauty of the Teesdale scenery and the group finished by enjoying the warm hospitality of the Tees’pot once again.
Their next guided walk will be at High Cup Nick on Sunday, May 19.
E-mail middleton.in. [email protected] for further details. Other local businesses wishing to work with the Walkers Are Welcome group should contact the same e-mail address.
Nick Long