SOME of the area’s best gardeners showed off their finest produce at a new flower and vegetable show.
The event was staged at the Traveller’s Rest, in Evenwood, and organised by keen grower Chris Geddes, who said he was delighted with the quality and quantity of exhibits, describing them as some of the best in the region.
He said: “We had a fantastic weekend.
“The standard was excellent, with Halland Tennick winning the leeks with 275 cube, which also won best exhibit in show.
“Second was Michael Aldsworth with 273 cube and third Dave Snowball with 256 cube.”
Mr Geddes added: “To be fair the first 12 pairs were good enough to win most shows.”
The trophy for best flowers in show went to Andrew Shaw, while Mr Geddes produced the heaviest marrow at a weighty 47kg.
Mr Geddes also shared the trophy for most points with P Proud.
“The show was supported by the whole community – a big thank you to everyone who sponsored us and came along,” he said.
“Next year we hope it will be bigger and better if possible.” Anyone interested in supporting next year’s show can contact Mr Geddes by email: chrisgeddes1977