A EWE shown by Eggleston farmer David Mallon took top honours during Teesdale’s first major sheep show of the year.
Another ewe presented by Forest-in-Teesdale farmer Tom Hutchinson took the reserve champion place during Middleton-in-Teesdale Spring Show at High Force Hotel on Saturday, May 26.
The ewes came out ahead of the champion male sheep shown by Peter Walton, of Mickleton.
Trophies were presented to the winners by Lord Barnard.
Open Classes
Shearling ram: 1, R Watson; 2, S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 3, W Nattrass, 4, M Iceton. Tup hogg (large breeders): 1, P Walton; 2, R Walon; 3, JA Robinson; 4, W Nattrass. Tup Hogg (small breeders: 1, C Colling; 2, M Icteon; 3, M Iceton. Ewe shown in milk: 1, S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 2, W Nattrass; 3, M Iceton. Gimmer shearling shown in milk: 1, S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 2, P Walton; 3, M Iceton. Gimmer hogg: 1, DC and KL Hutchinson; 2, DC and KL Hutchinson; 3, S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 4, W Nattrass. Tup or gimmer lamb: 1, M Icteon; 2, M Iceton; 3, M Iceton
District classes
Aged tup or shearling: 1, S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 2, TW Hutchinson; Tup hogg: 1 P Walton; 2 R Walton; M Watson, 4 JA Robinson. Ewe of gimmer shearling: 1, P Walton. Gimmer hogg: 1 S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 2, P Walton; 3, M Watson; 4, S Bentley and DJ Mallon. Pair of females: 1, P Walton; 2, M Watson; 3, TW Hutchinson.
Special classes:
Two tupp hoggs: 1 M Walton; 2, JA Robinson, 3, M Iceton. Ewe or gimmer shearling shown in milk: 1, M Iceton. Tup hogg and gimmer hogg. 1 P Walton; 2, M Watson; 3, M Iceton. Aged tup or shearling with tup and hogg: W Nattrass, 2, M Iceton. Ewe or gimmer shearling and gimmer hogg: 1, S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 2, W Natrass. Tup hogg: 1, P Walton. Tup hogg (not previously shown): 1 W Nattrass, 2, M Iceton. Gimmer hogg (not previously shown) 1m TW Hutchison; 2 DC and KL Hutchison, 3, S Bentley and DJ Mallon. Special prize best male and female: 1, S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 2, W Nattrass; 3, M Watson. 1 DC and KL Hutchinson, 2, S Bentley and DJ Mallon, 3, M Watson; 4 TW Hutchison.
Three best sheep: 1, S Betley @ DJ Mallon, 2, DC and KL Hutchinson, 3, P Walton. Special prize, best sheep shown by JN Pinkney customers: 1, P Walton; 2, R Walton; 3, M Watson; 4, C Colling. Best sheep owned and bred, A District: 1, S Bentley and DJ Mallon; 2, P Walton; 3, DC and KL Hutchinson; 4, R Walton. Best sheep shown by a small breeder: 1. TW Hutchinson, 2 R Watson, 3, C Colling.
Main prizes
Best gimmer hogg in show: Tom Hutchinson; Best tup hogg in show: Peter Walton. District champion: 1, David Mallon; 2, Tom Hutchinson. Championship for best female sheep: 1, David Mallon; 2, Tom Hutchinson. Championship for best male sheep: 1, Peter Walton; 2, Peter Walton.
Supreme champion: David Mallon. Reserve champion: Tom Hutchinson.