THERE was double delight for the Dent family from Lartington after they scooped the top two places in the show of store cattle which was held alongside the sale of feeding bulls and over 30 months beasts at Barnard Castle Auction Mart last week.
Judge Alan Redpath had travelled from Leicestershire to cast a critical eye over the entries and awarded the championship rosette to an eight-month-old Limousin heifer shown by Clive Dent of JW Dent &Sons, Naby View, Lartington.
Mr Redpath awarded the reserve rosette to an eight-month-old British Blue steer from the Dents. The show and sale was sponsored by Eden Farm Supplies.
The champion beast was also the day’s top seller – reaching £2,650 before the hammer went down.
She headed north to Ayrshire after being bought by A Ireland.
The next best seller was the £2,500 paid for the third placed Limousin heifer shown by NG Beveridge, Low West House, Tow Law, which was purchased by S Marsh, from Dover.
Top priced steer was a Limousin at £1,600 from JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, Lartington, Barnard Castle.
Prize list
Limousin steer: 1, JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, Lartington – £1600; 2, NG Beveridge, Low West House, Tow Law – £1400; 3, JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, Lartington – £1235.
AOB steer: 1 & reserve champion, JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, Lartington (BRB) Â- £1400.
Limousin heifer – under 13 months: 1 & overall champion, JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, Lartington – £2650; 2, JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, Lartington – £1280; 3, NG Beveridge, Low West House, Tow Law – £2500; 4, NG Beveridge, Low West House, Tow Law – £1380.
AOB heifer – under 13 months: 1, JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, Lartington – £1800; 2, W Robson Farms Ltd, High West House, Tow Law – £1460 (BRB); 3, JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, Lartington – £1450 (BRB).
Heifer – over 13 months: 1, NG Beveridge, Low West House, Tow Law – £1400 (BRB); 2, GT&E Atkinson, Wether Hill, Farm, Winston, Darlington – £1450 (BRB); 3, NG Beveridge, Low West House, Tow Law – £1650 (BRB).
Sale report – see page 21