Viola riviniana (Common Dog-violet)THIS tiny violet starts to appear in hedge banks, woodland and old pastures from April onwards. Violets...
Read moreDetailsPLANS to create a series of wildlife ponds at Barningham to house an endangered newt species have been submitted to...
Read moreDetailsDog's Mercury (Mercurialis perennis)WHY is it called dog's mercury when it has nothing to do with dogs (except for poisoning...
Read moreDetailsANGLERS are hoping for warm settled weather to give the Tees trout season a similar kick-start to last year.Because of...
Read moreDetailsCOMMUNITY composting group Rotters will showcase the latest in sustainable building when work starts on its new eco-centre.The group last...
Read moreDetailsSEEDS from some of the oldest trees in County Durham have been cultivated and the resulting saplings planted in Teesdale.The...
Read moreDetailsDURING the past year, many people have been out walking more frequently than normal and may have noticed some of...
Read moreDetailsLesser Celandine Ficaria verna, (formerly Ranunculus ficaria)OFTEN the first truly wild plant to flower in our damp woods, banks and...
Read moreDetailsBARNARD Castle Farmers' Market has been pipped for the top spot in a national competition.However, organisers of the popular monthly...
Read moreDetailsHEALTH and safety concerns have been raised about the state of stiles on popular public footpaths in the upper dale.Middleton-in-Teesdale...
Read moreDetails15C Harmire Enterprise Park
Barnard Castle
Co Durham
DL12 8BN
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