THE centre may have closed last month for the duration of the coronavirus emergency, but trustees at Barnard Castle’s arts centre have turned to technology to ensure management of The Witham continues.
A skeleton staff comprising centre manager Susan Coffer, administrator Laura Shaw and marketing manager Sarah Gent are keeping things ticking over, while other members of staff have been furloughed under the Government’s scheme to support businesses during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Ms Coffer said: “This means they remain employees of The Witham, but will not be at work until we are able to re-open the building.
“For the time being, we are maintaining a skeleton staff in order to continue to manage the business, the building and communications, though this situation will be reviewed as time goes on.”
Work includes rescheduling a host of events that were planned for the spring for either later in the year or into 2021.
Ms Coffer added: “The Witham board of trustees continue to meet on a regular basis, though we are now present via the magic of Zoom, an online meeting platform we can access from home.”
To keep up to date with rescheduled dates, go to