SISTER Act – A divine Musical Comedy is based on the 1992 film. Set in Philadelphia during the 70s the story follows Deloris Van Cartier, a club singer, after witnessing a murder by her gangster boyfriend, she is taken into hiding at a local convent. She initially doesn’t receive a warm welcome from the Mother Superior, but Deloris, does help her sisters find their genuine voice to raise money to save the convent, where they in return end up saving Deloris.
It’s not very often I get really excited before a show starts, but in the moments before the show began you could feel the anticipation in the theatre. It was fast paced and full of energy from start to finish.
The entire cast were incredible. Deloris, played by Landi Oshinowo, has an outstanding voice, full of power. Mother Superior, played by Kate Powell, a delightful voice reminding me of Julie Andrews. Sister Mary Roberts, played by Corrine Prest, gave a wonderful performance. Some of my favourite scenes were with TJ, Pablo and Joey, played by Elliot Gooch, Michalis Antoniou and Callum Martin, some excellent movement and comedic elements. Though my favourite had to be Eddie, played by Alfie Parker, an excellent character showing such a range of emotions and is hilarious during his number ‘I Could Be That Guy.’
Make sure you find time to grab a ticket this week for the inspirational, feel-good factor of the year.
Runs at Darlington Hippodrome until Saturday 14th September.