THE Witham in Barnard Castle is holding an open air summer festival following the success of its “out of lockdown” busking event last year.
Live music performances will take place between Saturday, June 25, to Sunday, August 28. There will be two sets each Saturday, 11.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 3pm, and one on a Sunday, from 2pm to 3pm.
Peter Dixon, who runs Funny Way To Be Comedy, has volunteered to organise the festival.
Mr Dixon said: “The Saturday performance will cover all genres of music and street entertainment and the Sunday session will have a more laid-back focus for a lazy Sunday afternoon.
“There is no charge for visitors attending The Witham to sit and listen to the artists. The cafe bar, shop and gallery will all be open throughout. There will be a voluntary collection which will be split between the artist, to cover their expenses, and The Witham, to allow it to continue its work in supporting live music.”
Playing will be popular artists such as Sam Nixon, Corner Boys, Catalina Rock Club, Two Local Blokes, Malcolm Elsbury and Keith Magnall, Grace Hamilton, Kirsty McLachlan, Crash Jones and Andy Yeadon.
Other groups include The D’Ukes of Scarth, Cream Tees and the choir No Added Sugar. Vintage music is supplied by the Cloth Cap Temperature Band, Hot Skiffle Jump and Singer Of The Lakes, a professionally trained vocalist from the Lake District, specialising in classical crossover and vintage singing. There are several folk musicians including the much-heralded singer-songwriter Steve Pledger and the band Burnt Horse from Cumbria.
Other favourites include popular acts from the region’s open mic nights such as The Richmond Hillbillies, Life On Mars and Sweet Pin.
Mr Dixon said: “We’ve had an extremely positive response from musicians and community groups involved in music from the area and beyond to fill the 30 music sessions. We will be welcoming several popular artists returning from the last year as well as bringing in a variety of new acts for both the local area and around the region.”
Visit Artists interested in getting involved can contact Peter Dixon via [email protected].