A STUNNING compilation of photographs, sent in by readers, make up the Teesdale Mercury’s 2019 calendar, which went on sale this week.
The front cover of the calendar features The Bowes Museum with a starry sky taken by Mark Brownless. The use of drones to capture several historic Teesdale landmarks gives a bird’s eye view of familiar buildings. There are also some humourous shots including animals and jumbo-sized scarecrows.
The photographs, submitted by readers for the Mercury’s Picture of the Week feature, were chosen by the Teesdale Mercury director Carolyn Vane, retail manager Debbie Welsh and Leanne Allinson, assistant retail manager, who spent a great deal of time whittling down the selection.
Ms Vane said: “We had a difficult time choosing from all the photographs, as the quality and selection was so large. But we feel the selection we made is a great representation of Teesdale.”
The calendar is on sale in the Teesdale Mercury shop and Galgate News for £5.50 and would make an excellent Christmas present for lovers of the dale.