A COCKFIELD mother is gearing up for her final fundraiser to try to get her disabled son a new trike.
Lisa Wood is organising a charity night at Cockfield Workingmen’s Club on Sunday, August 26. All money raised will go towards the cost of a new disability trike for her 20-year-old son, Matthew.
Matthew has severe complex needs and epilepsy and requires round-the-clock care. His mum is now aiming to raise as much of the £825 needed for a new trike because he has outgrown his old one. Ms Wood has raised thousands of pounds over the years for a number of causes including Matthews’s former school, The Oaks Secondary School in Spennymoor, and charities such as Cancer Research.
She said: “For quite a few years I have been saying this is my final one. This will be my last one and I wanted it to be for Matthew. I have had to really swallow my pride to do this.” The trike will feature an adapted seat with a seatbelt. It will also help to strengthen Matthew’s legs.
Ms Wood said: “Matthew has outgrown his trike which we bought him a few years ago. He loves being on his trike because he can interact with the other kids. He will be able to go out on the front with the other kids and feel like he is part of them.
“Matthew loves to people watch and watch the kids play on their bikes. He gets so much enjoyment from it.”
Elvis tribute artist Adam Carter, who appeared on TV’s Stars In Their Eyes, will be taking to the stage at the fundraising event which starts at 7.30pm. There will also be stand-up bingo, a tombola and a raffle. A raffle and cake sale is being arranged at the village’s Co-op store to help boost the funds.
Tickets cost £3 and a limited number are still available for the event. To buy them, contact Cockfield Workingmen’s Club or call Ms Wood on 07857 175596.