A HIGH energy show following three hapless travellers in their fantastical musical adventures around the world is set to arrive at Bowes and Gilmonby Parish Hall.
The family show on Sunday, February 20, at 7.30pm follows a trio of travelling musicologists who are catapulted into an adventure to find the fabled Lost Chord of Ulaanbataar. This mystical chord will enable any musician to find enlightenment, play any tune and possibly solve the mystery of a missing Scotch egg.
The Lost Chord of Ulaanbataar is part of the Highlights Rural Touring Scheme and features the comedic musical talents of La Bella Band, a ukulele and vocal harmony trio. In the style of a Boy’s Own Adventure with a touch of James Bond, Tintin and a smidgeon of Gardener’s Question Time, The Lost Chord of Ulaanbataar tells how the luckless trio met and embarked upon an adventure across Europe and Asia. In a combination of music, comedy and theatre, Fez, Garibaldi and Special K share details of their journey across Mongolian deserts in old jalopies and chasing spies along the Silk Road.
Highlights Rural Touring Scheme works with grassroots volunteers from more than 65 village halls and community venues across the North of England to bring vibrant, entertaining and thought-provoking performances and live events to the heart of rural communities.
Kate Lynch, director at Highlights, said: “Our aim is to bring fun and entertaining shows to families in the most rural parts of our region.
“The Lost Chord of Ulaanbataar ticks all of those boxes and the audience at Bowes and Gilmonby Parish Hall is in for a really enjoyable evening.”
Tickets and price details are available at www.highlightsnorth.co.uk