HOW would you like to feature in a new dance film?
That’s the invitation from Hollie Coleman, one of the directors of community theatre group Drama in the Dale.
Ms Coleman’s idea to produce a film inspired by people’s positive responses to the lockdown was chosen as one of eight projects that make up Creativity in Crisis.
Creativity in Crisis was launched by arts charity Northern Heartlands to support some of those in the creative sector who had been hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis.
Ms Coleman said: “I am offering people of all ages, abilities and cultures the opportunity to come together to create a piece of online dance inspired by the impact and restrictions that lockdown has had on our lives.
“Participants will work to a simple brief – Every Lockdown has a Silver Lining. What’s Yours? – and through movement only, will show something that has kept your spirits up during lockdown and that you continue to do as lockdown eases.
“It could be anything – gardening, yoga, painting, climbing the equivalent of Mt Everest on your staircase, socially-distanced hugs…
“Once you have signed-up, I will guide you through the process both artistically and technically, so will help you with how to use movement and dance inventively and how to create a ten second video of yourself.”
Ms Coleman then plans to choreograph a dance sequence using individual contributions for everyone to take part in and create the final piece.
For more details, contact Ms Coleman by email hollie [email protected] or call 07989 469447, or go online to northernheartlands. org/project/every-lockdown-has-a-silver-lining.