A COMEDY show featuring magician Ben Hart has been rearranged for a second time.
Funny Way To Be Comedy had already moved the appearance by Ben Hart from May to the autumn.
Now his debut show in Barnard Castle has been put back to February 20, next year, at The Witham.
Promoter Peter Dixon said: “Since we made the original postponement it has become clear that the continuing need to maintain social distancing rules prevents us from undertaking the shows that would sell out in ordinary times.
“Several venues around the country are thinking that it may not be possible to open until the new year.
“This has led to several tours having to be re-arranged their whole schedules.”
He added: “The good news though is that we have been able to find an alternative date for our show with Ben Hart and your ticket is valid for the new date.”
A finalist in Britain’s Got Talent 2019 Ben Hart, was described by David Walliams as “the living embodiment of magic” . He has also played to royalty, heads of state and celebrities, in West End theatres, international arenas and is a regular on TV
Tickets for the revised date are available from www.funny waytobe.com.