Heathers The Musical
Heathers The Musical

HEATHERS the Musical based on the late 1980s film is still extremely relevant today. Set in Westerberg High School, this is a delightfully dark story with the stereotypical group of social mixes. The jocks, Kurt, Alex Woodward, and Ram, Morgan Jackson. The overweight girl Martha, Kingsley Morton, ridiculed by many. The girls who believe they are top of the social hierarchy are the three Heathers – Heather Chandler, Verity Thompson, ruling the roost with Heather Duke, Elise Zavou and Heather McNamara, Billie Bowman. There’s the loner dressed in black as JD, Jacob Fowler. Then finally Veronica, Jenna Innes, the girl who desperately wants to join the Heathers, just so she can survive through school.

After the Heathers discover Veronica’s skill in forging handwriting, she quickly becomes friends with them, leaving Martha behind. JD has a romantic interest in Veronica with murderous intent, as the jocks have an interest in Veronica.

From the start I was completely transfixed with the stage, drawn into the story through the incredible performances. The set was exceptionally versatile, David Shields, with subtle lighting, Ben Cracknell. The highlight though was the performance of Jenna Innes as Veronica, Wow Wow Wow! She was exceptional. I just wish I had time to return this week to see it again.

This is the best musical I’ve seen at Darlington for many years. An amazing night out, making you think about the many dark themes covered, but knowing I’ve just had one of the most enjoyable evenings this year.

Runs until Saturday 7th October at Darlington Hippodrome.