YOUNG farmers from the upper dale braved the sleet to refine their hedge-laying skills during a course organised by Utass (Upper Teesdale Agricultural Support Services).
The two-day course offered some relief on the first day when the trainees were given the comfort of a shed where they were taught the theory, including an overview of hedgerows, hedgerow management, health and safety, and the tools used during the process.
That afternoon they learned how to sharpen their tools.
The following day, in adverse conditions, the trainees were given a demonstration before receiving guided hedge-laying training.
Tutor Bert Hunter said: “The lads were great and showed heroic determination in venturing out in the teeth of driving rain and sleet.”
One of the trainees added: “I knew nothing of hedge-laying prior to the course.
” I have a foundation now and feel I have gained a new skill.
“I will be keen to use the follow up training course and eventually might use these courses as a means to use hedge-laying for work.
“I would like to thank Burt for the enthusiasm he brought to the course in fairly miserable conditions,” he added.