RUNNERS came together on Sunday to join the stride out from Tan Hill Inn to raise money for the Tyneside Kidney Patient Association in preparation for the Great North Run.
The event, put on by The Crawley family and friends, was in honour of their son Alex, ended at Stuart and Susan Riggs’ farm at Spanham.
Runners chose one of three distances to cover across a variety of terrain – including a river and helped across by Stuart Rigg manning a tractor and trailer.
Points were marshalled by Elliot and Thomas Rigg with friends providing much needed water and sweets.
The views were stunning and spirits were high as the weather played its part in making it a great success.
Cakes and drinks were plentiful as the Rigg family kindly donated the use of their home at the finish.
As a result, £332 was raised for this charity at an event enjoyed by everyone.
Barbara Crawley