A £50,000 RAM took top honours in this year’s Tan Hill Open Swaledale Sheep Show.
Top honours in the 66th annual show went to an aged ram owned by a consortium of S&P Brogden, Mark Nelson and Paul Hallam from the Brough area.
Show secretary Raymond Calvert said the animal was bought by the three farmers after it was judged supreme champion at Hawes two years ago.
Barrie Thornborrow, who exhibited last year’s supreme champion, enjoyed another successful year with his ewe earning him the champion small breeder title.
The ewe was also judged champion female and reserve champion of the show.
Mr Calvert said: “It’s been a very good turnout with 43 exhibitors. The show attracts the very best breeders.”
Aged ram: 1, S&P Brogden, M Nelson, P Hallam; 2, T Brogden, T Robinson & Son; 3, A&M Brennand & Son.
Shearling tup: 1, Bell & Sons, D&J Brown, J Tully; 2, Cockbain & Richardson; 3, P&K Sowerby.
Tup hogg: 1, J Natrass; 2, J Bradley; 3, B Thornborrow.
Shearling tup (small breeders): 1 G&DA Allison; 2, S Taylor; 3, G Tunstall, M Wearmouth
Tup hogg (small breeders): 1, G&DA Allison; 2, B&M&O Acton; 3, R Hallam.
Aged tup/shearling tup/tup hogg:1 G&DA Allison; 2, GJ&HC Allison.
Tup any age: 1, R Hallam; 2, W&K Hutchinson; 3, S Taylor.
Pair of tup hoggs: 1, B Thornborrow; 2, G&DA Allison; 3, R&H Hird.
Three tup hoggs: 1, G&DA Allison.
Tup shearling: 1, B Thornborrow, M&L Rukin; 2, WA&A Booth.
Tup hogg (not shown in class 12, 13, 14): 1, J Bradley; 2, B Thornborrow, 4 S Bentley, D Mallon.
Tup hogg (not to have won a prize): 1, AP&D Sowerby; 2, G Tunstall; 3, Messrs Cockbain.
Best male or female (not to have won a prize): 1, J Natrass; 2, G&DA Allison; 3, B thornborrow.
Best tup shearling: 1, S Bell & Sons, D&I Brown, J Tulley; 2, B Thornborrow, M&L Rukin; 3, Messrs Cockbain & Richardson.
Ewe (small breeders): 1: B Thomas; 2, T Bainbridge; 3, B&M&O Acton.
Gimmer shearling (small breeders): 1, G Slack; 2, AP&D Sowerby; 3, A Calvert.
Gimmer hogg (small breeders): 1 W&K Hutchinson; 2, JS Calvert; 3, G Slack.
Ewe (large breeders): 1, S Bentley , D Mallon; 2, P Ewbank; 3, Sheena Pratt.
Gimmer shearling (large breeders): 1, P Hallam; 2, P&K Sowerby; 3, WA&A Booth.
Gimmer Hogg (large breeders): 1, P&K Sowerby; 2, P Ewbank; 3, J Natrass.
Two sheep showing milk: 1, AP&D Sowerby; 2, P&K Sowerby; 3, A Calvert.
Pair of gimmer hoggs: 1, P Ewbank; 2, J Natrass; 3, B Thorborrow.
Gimmer Hogg (shown in no other class except 13, 28): 1, B Thornborrow; 2, P&K Sowerby; 3, Sheena Pratt.
Gimmer hogg and tup hogg: 1, JS Calvert; 2, W&K Hutchinson; 3, G&DA Allison.
Tup hogg and gimmer hogg bred by exhibitor: 1, J Natrass; 2, B Thornborrow; 3, JS Calvert.
Ewe, gimmer shearling, gimmer hogg: 1, Sheena Pratt.
Best gimmer hogg in show: P&K Sowerby, 2, P Ewbank; 3, B Thorborrow.
Best male and female: 1, P&K Sowerby; 2, J Natrass; 3, B Thornborrow.
Best ewe or gimmer shearling (large breeder): 1, P Hallam, 2, S Bentley, D Mallon; 3, P Ewbank.
Best sheep bred by exhibitor: 1, P Hallam; 2, P&K Sowerby; 3, J Natrass.
Champion small breeder: B Thornborrow.
Champion male: S&P Brogden, M Nelson, P Hallam.
Champion female: B Thornborrow.
Reserve champion: B Thornborrow.
Supreme champion: S&P Brogden, M Nelson, P Hallam.