Women’s World Day of Prayer
THE service in Barnard Castle was hosted by St Mary’s Parish Church and followed by refreshments including muffins and honey biscuits made to a traditional Slovenian recipe. Elizabeth Conran led the service, assisted by Carol Goldberg and Anita Macfarlane as readers and with Annette Butters playing the organ.
Students from Barnard Castle School gave a rehearsed reading as the Women of Slovenia. Children from St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School opened the service by performing a liturgical dance which was warmly applauded by the congregation of more than 50 people.
Designed by the Christian women of Slovenia, the service focused on our opportunities to welcome everyone to God’s kingdom, thinking especially of people in our society who may be marginalised or excluded. Red silk carnations were distributed to all those present as a symbol of celebration.
The offering of £225.50 will be donated to the work of the World Day of Prayer movement which supports a wide range of charities both at home and abroad. Thanks go to all involved in the planning, preparation and execution of the service. A bouquet of flowers was presented to Iris Hillery who is stepping down as the service co-ordinator for Barnard Castle after five years.
The 2020 Service is designed by the Christian women of Zimbabwe and more information will be available in September. The theme is “Rise! Take your mat and walk” and services will be held across the world on Friday, March 6, 2020.
Iris Hillery