WOMEN from across the dale and beyond are putting their needle skills to good use by making dresses and quilts for young people in need.
Bowes Women’s Institute organised a charity sewing bee in aid of Little Dresses For Africa and Siblings Together.
An open invitation attracted almost 20 ladies who spared their time and skills to create girls’ dresses for children in African orphanages.
They also made quilts for youngsters who have been taken into care and separated from their siblings. Last year, the same sewing bee event resulted in 30 dresses for children in Africa.
WI member, Jackie Seddon, said: “I thought it was all very well that we were making dresses for children in Africa but I thought there are people here that are in need too.
“By doing this, we are catering for people at home and in Africa.”
Members of the community donated all of the material used to create the pieces.
Ms Seddon said: “We would like to say thanks to everyone in the area who donated materials and buttons.
“We couldn’t do this without them.”
An evening sewing workshop is being planned for the end of July at Bowes Village Hall to add any finishing touches to the dresses and quilts.