BARNARD Castle RUFC Gatorz – the club’s female section – is holding its latest taster day on Sunday, July 1.
The Gatorz aim top show why female rugby is the fastest growing sport in the country.
On the day those having a go will take part in passing drills, tackling, rucking and taking part in a game of touch rugby.
The day starts at 10am and continues until noon.
The Gatorz have just finished their first full playing season and managed to see four girls called up to the county squad.
Plans for the new season include a tour and playing further a field in Cumbria and Yorkshire. Three players joined at the end of last season and more are welcome.
The lead coaches are Paul Davis and Sarah O’Doherty. For more information about the Gatorz ladies, contact Mr Davis on 07740 086685, email paul.davis or Ms O’Doherty on 07970 422813 or email: sarah.odoherty