A ROOFING firm’s plans for a new production warehouse and HQ building have been approved by county councillors.
The plans, by CA Group, will see the firm expand its Evenwood base with a 12.5 metre industrial building, offices and 250 additional parking spaces.
The firm, which specialises in metal roofing and cladding for the industrial, commercial and public sector, will also build a new access to the site.
This change aims to alleviate issues of HGV parking in the area and disruption to residents, Durham County Council’s planning committee heard last Tuesday.
Despite this, two letters of objection were received from residents on nearby Copeland Row about potential noise from traffic and site work.
Copeland Row resident Wayne Linsley, speaking at the County Hall meeting, noted late night disruption from “wagons revving” and forklift trucks.
But Maria Ferguson, representing CA Group, said “nothing had been left to chance in the application” with conditions covering noise, ecology and traffic.
She added new buildings would have acoustic protection while the new road access would reduce the number of HGVs using Copeland Row.
Ms Ferguson added the plans would “cement CA Group’s presence” in Evenwood as a local employer and allow them to grow as a company.
During consultation, the council’s environmental health department said the firm’s 24 hour operation could become a “statutory nuisance” if noise worsens during the night.
In response to a question from Cllr Alan Shield about council powers in these circumstances, an officer said there was a condition limiting and regulating noise.
The officer added that works would be based further away from residents than current arrangements and that HGV movements would also be limited.
Cllr Ivan Jewell described the plans as a “significant investment” while Cllr Paul Taylor described the site as an improvement and “high quality development” .
Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the plans which are subject to several conditions.
These aim to ensure there is no impact to the environment, wildlife or neighbouring properties.
“There is also a requirement to install three electric vehicle charging points on site.