A BID to build 40 homes next to a former school has been rejected for a second time on appeal.
Outline planning permission for housing north and east of the former Startforth Morritt Memorial Primary School was turned down by Durham County Council last year.
The applicant, Bolton-based “Starforth Barnard Castle Ltd” , challenged the decision with the Planning Inspectorate.
But the appeal yielded the same result.
In his report, planning inspector Geoff Underwood thought the distinction between High Startforth and Low Startforth would be lost if the plan went ahead – undermining the character of High Startforth.
The initial proposal was met with a raft of objections including concerns from Startforth Parish Council and neighbouring Barnard Castle Town Council, which feared views from and of the castle would suffer.
Mr Underwood added that the provision of six affordable homes from the plan would provide social benefits and pointed to some other positives included in the proposal.
However, harm to heritage assets were judged to be “considerable” and this proved pivotal to his final decision.
Mr Underwood added: “The development would harm the character and appearance of the area and the significance of designated heritage assets, contrary to the development plan and the framework.
“The appeal is therefore dismissed.”