A BARNARD Castle primary school has made a member of staff redundant to balance its budget.
Three unions were informed in October of Green Lane Primary School’s intention to let an emotional health and wellbeing worker go as it tried to make up for a £51,000 shortfall in its budget. In a letter to the GMB, Unison and Unite unions acting co-headteacher Nic Linsley said at the time: “All non-staffing costs have been reviewed and where possible reduced prior to making the decision to commence a consultation on a review of the staffing structure.
“The proposals will affect both teaching and non-teaching employees. It is proposed that one employee will be at risk due to the proposals.”
The chairman of the school’s governing body, Revd Canon Alec Harding, said the school had now resolved its “budget situation” .
Alison Hartley, acting co-headteacher, said it was with regret that the staff member had lost their job.
She added: “This is no reflection on the performance of the member of staff and we would like to place on record our gratitude for their service to the school.
“This difficult decision has been taken as a result of a shortfall in our 2017/18 budget and an anticipated deficit for 2018/19, due to reductions in government funding for schools. We recognise the importance of providing emotional health and wellbeing support to all pupils and have plans in place to ensure this continues.”
Meanwhile the school continues to perform well.
A short inspection by Ofsted at the end of last year found that the school continues to be rated good and the leadership team was praised for maintaining quality.
Inspector Sylvia Humble said teachers were “determined to sustain good and improving outcomes for pupils across the school” .