A DALE primary school on the busy A68 needs someone to ensure children can safely cross the road.
Toft Hill Primary School has been without a crossing – “lollipop” – patrol since October and despite the position being advertised, no-one has come forward.
The job is for about nine hours a week, helping children across the road between 7.50am to 9.05am and again from 2.55pm to 3.25pm.
Members of Etherley Parish Council said they hoped the position could be filled sooner rather than later, given how busy the A68 through the village is at school opening and closing times.
Cllr Sharon Walker said: “It is just awful on a morning and at the moment it is dark.”
Councillors said the traffic situation outside the school had been exacerbated because of work being carried out in the community centre car park opposite to repair electricity cables after Toft Hill suffered an outage earlier this month. This has meant many parents and carers dropping off and collecting children have been unable to use the car park.
Toft Hill headteacher Leanne Nesbitt said: “If we can’t fill the position we will have to look at an alternative because this is an A road, particularly first thing in the morning because then it is very busy.”
Anyone interested in the school crossing patrol job at Toft Hill can find details online at northeastjobs.org.uk