GAINFORD Show returned for the first time since 2019, with much good produce on show despite the difficult growing conditions.
Entries in the flower and vegetable sections were down on pre-Covid numbers as growers struggled with the long hot, dry spells of weather.
However, organisers said they were delighted how the village’s children had embraced the show, with a new digital section included for a project which involved Gainford’s Churches Together group, running alongside with the more traditional classes.
Kath Hebden took the trophy for most points in show. She also lifted the silverware for most points in the vegetable classes and had the best pansies on view.
“It’s good to have the show back and I’m pleased to see a lot of people turn out for it,” she said.
Don Eccles picked up cups for best vegetable, a cucumber, while his first placed rose was also judged the best flower – all the more remarkable as he underwent a hip replacement operation just two months ago, which he said had severely restricted his gardening activities.
Show manager Sarah Heslop, whose tea loaf was judged the best cookery exhibit, said: “We have not had as many entries as we would have hoped, but getting more children involved has been great.
“We are really glad to get back to it with the show and it really makes it all worthwhile when you see everybody looking around and getting involved with it.”
Due to maintenance work being carried out at the village primary school, this year’s show was held at the village hall. Trophy winners:
Charge Memorial Trophy for most points in show: Kath Hebden. Jim Ryder Trophy for most points in vegetables: Kath Hebden. Challenge Cup for best vegetable: Don Eccles; Kenyon Cup for best flower: Don Eccles; Miss Brown Trophy for Best Rose: Don Eccles; DS Harris Trophy for best pansies: Kath Hebden; Jefferson Trophy for best pot plant: Carolle Daniels; Silver Cup for best floral art: Carolle Daniels; Silver Cup for best cookery exhibit: Sarah Heslop; WI Home and Country Cup for most points in cookery: Sarah heslop; John Caris Trophy for best children’s cookery exhibit: Amy Heslop; Beryl Avison Shield for most points in children’s cookery: Amy Heslop; Annual Challenge Cup for ladies’ arts and crafts: Barbara McClean; RF Spalding Cup for men’s arts and crafts: Peter Stewart; Fr Stanley Trophy for children’s arts and crafts: Phoebe Grogan; Caton Cup for U7s arts and crafts: Rupert Walton; Goodliffe Trophy for best photo: Christine Ruhstrofer; Foster Cup for most points in children’s classes: Amy Heslop.