A COMMUNITY venue’s first cheese and wine evening proved so popular that another, bigger one, is being planned.
More than 60 people converged on Staindrop in May to attend the Scarth Memorial Hall’s inaugural cheese and wine evening where connoisseurs savoured local artisan cheeses paired up with various wines.
Evening organiser Carol Parker said: “People who came to our last one asked when is our next one.
“After the success of our first cheese and wine event, we have put a little more emphasis on wine and the quiz and tastings this time will be more wine focused.”
Ms Parker, who represents Northumberland Cheese Company, and is often seen at Barnard Castle Farmers’ Market, added that people can look forward to red wines, white wines and sweet white wines which go well with blue cheese.
In addition to cheeses from Northumberland Cheese Company, samples from Teesdale Cheesemakers will also be available for people to taste.
Various hampers will be available for people to buy as Christmas gifts and various raffle prizes will be up for grabs.
Tickets for the event on November 9, at 7pm, cost £12 and are available from Staindrop Post Office or from ticketsource.co.uk.