A BID to add £10 to Barnard Castle residents’ council tax bills to support the town’s arts centre has been unanimously rejected.
Trustees at The Witham wanted the £18,272 levy to cover the cost of upgrading the projector used in the music hall.
However, Cllr Tim Raw told members of the town council’s resources committee: “I think we would be shot at dawn if we did this.”
The meeting was told there were no supporting documents setting out The Witham’s current financial position to support the request. It was also pointed out that the amount sought was more than any other single item of spending by the town council apart from salaries and the costs for running the Woodleigh building.
Cllr Judi Sutherland said such a levy would be “unprecedented” for the town council.
She said there are a lot of people massively unhappy with how The Witham had operated in the past and who remained sceptical about the venue’s future prospects.
“I would be reluctant to add anything to the precept on behalf of those people who are unhappy.”
Cllr Sutherland said trustees were not “sweating their asset” .
“There is not enough going on there and it is not open enough,” she explained.
Cllr Raw said people he had spoken to who had contributed to The Witham in the past had told him “never again” .
He added: “They have got a new management team. I would want to know what they are planning before we give them any money.
Mayor Cllr Sandra Moorhouse said coming on top of the public appeal to raise £30,000 in 30 days last year, asking for £10 on the precept was “almost like double taxation” not just to supporters of the complex but also to those not interested in it.
“It just doesn’t hang together. Would we just givn them the money and let them get on with it?”
Cllr Sutherland said in effect the town’s council tax payers would be subsidising those from outside Barnard Castle who came to the venue.
Chairman Cllr John Blissett questioned why The Witham had only approached the town council.
“Not all residents of Barney use The Witham. Why have Marwood and Startforth not been approached?”
Cllr Moorhouse said the town council could look to support The Witham in other ways.
“I feel The Witham is worth supporting and developing and helping, but I don’t think we can even consider doing it this way.
“I think we should endeavour to work closely with them. I would not like them to think we are saying ‘up yours’.”
When put to the vote, all councillors rejected the request from The Witham.